
254. Our fantastic world

To want to understand wrong; is to want to falsify the development of humankind, and that can be understood as a crime against the whole. There can be many things to look at in this connection. One of these things; is that we humans are one of the living species here on earth. Today we can understand that many animals are exposed to much bad, and they suffer terribly without being able to put words on what are done against them. Are they only animals? No; they aren’t only animals. They are among all the different mental living creatures, which we humans are some among. Animals do both have different physical bodies and different inner minds. Today many animals tacitly are suffering terribly both mentally and physically, without having words to tell about what happens to them.

In this world it is balance between all the species which is the power. The beasts of prey eat other living species, but they don’t eat them all, and they don’t ruin what they are or their whole lives. It is possible to understand that this is because it cannot be too many on this planet. All living creatures die in different ways. What is this balance between all the species? That is all the small and big species’ right to be and live as what they are. All the small and big animals are clever to be what they are in different natural ways, when the whole here on earth is all right.

The “criminals” have been ruining everything for a long time now, not only for the humans, but for the animals also, and for it all here on earth. This is something important for us to start to understand. It all has become wrong. Everything we are doing today only makes it worse. The “criminals” want us to be dependent on their power and destruction. We humans ourselves are also ruined in this tragedy for our world. This is a big and important challenge for us in the time to come. I think about that we have days, years, decades, centuries, thousands, millions and more of years ahead of us. We humans are one of the living species here on earth, and it is wrong of us to be evil and ruin the other species. We humans are good creatures, and we must understand correctly, so we don’t do wrong and malicious here on earth.

I think about that there isn’t any other malice in our existence, than what humans do maliciously. And I think that is because we humans can use our abilities good or bad. I think it is correct of us to use our abilities in good ways here on earth, together with all the other living species. Beyond that; we also can develop our own special things.

Today many people don’t have any contact with the nature and the wildlife. It is important that we learn about, and understand about, that we humans aren’t alone on this planet. We are here together with many other valuable and fine living creatures, that is our fantastic world.

May 3, 2020, David H. Hegg