
215. Ignorant

After I started to remember how I in a way, woke up when I was “influenced” in 1975, I gradually have remembered clearly something I then was thinking about in the beginning. (I first wrote about that in the text “122. A Devil” March 8, 2017.) In the beginning of that sequence in 1975, I thought this:

Who am I?

Where am I?

At what time is this?

What is this?

I didn’t know who I was, where I was, at what time it was, or what it was. Today this has become something clear for me; that it was in this way. I was totally 100% ignorant of who I was, where I was, and when it was. Because of that, I was ignorant of time and place and who I was. When I was listening to what the two people at the office were talking about, I gradually started to understand who I was, where I was, and when it was.

When I listened to what they talked about, I thought my own thoughts. I think that has “influenced” me, I became “influenced” of my own thoughts. In this sequence I remember it as, that I only was aware of what happened at the moment, in a way that I didn’t remember what had happened earlier in that sequence.

When I really woke up because they woke me up by banging the door, I didn’t remember anything about this sequence where I had listened to what they talked about. I didn’t remember anything about that I had been “influenced”, or how that had happened.

The most important I remember from this sequence, is that they talked about making wars. The person at the office, also said that “now we have so much control”.

November 30, 2018, David H. Hegg