
187. One’s own will

Just now, when I should start to write this text, something special happened. I sat relaxed in front of the computer; and got an experience of that I should shut my eyes, relax, be drowsy, forget all of what I thought about, disappear and be nothing. When this happened, I thought that it was as if the person, who influenced me in 1975, tried to influence me just now. After that, I thought that now it is important, that I keep awake, and write what I have been thinking about. I thought that this can be, that I am on to something just now.

First, I have concentrate on the day when these influences were done against me, Monday, December 29, 1975. I have thought about what had changed from before, to after, when the influences were done against me that morning. That will be; what happened from 8:05 AM to 10:05 AM that morning? Well; first I drank something, and became dizzy, and I couldn’t stand on my feet. Then I became drowsy, a person poured more to drink into me, and he started to influence me 8:05 AM. Afterwards I bounded up 10:05 AM, because of a bang from a door, which had ben slammed. Giddy‐brained and a little wobbly on my feet, I hurried back to my work, to continue working, as I had started with doing 7:45 AM. My legs were weak, when I walked back to my work as an electrician apprentice. I worked alone in an empty room. I didn’t remember anything about what had happened during these two hours. What had changed from 8:05 AM to 10:05 AM? That is something important.

When I came, to start with my work 7:45 AM, everything was normal with me. When I continued to work after 10:05 AM, I was influenced. I did the same work, but I wasn’t in the same state as before. What had changed in me? After the influences, I did the same as before, but I had come into an influenced state. What I did, hadn’t changed. It was how I was, that had changed. Who I was, was the same. It was how I was, that had changed. I was the same as before, but I was in another way than before. Where I worked, had become an influenced situation for me.

When I went from home that morning, everything was normal. When I came home that day, the situation at home had been an influenced situation. Everything looked apparently as before, but everything had become an influenced situation.

On my job, things first continued as normal. But after some time, things slowly and gradually changed after this. I got problems because of the influences, which I didn’t understand what were. That became more and more confusing, and worse and worse, until I quit, circa two years and ten months later.

I think I was the same person, but I had come into an influenced state. That was what had happened.

At home, together with my wife and our child, things also first continued as normal. But after some time, things slowly and gradually changed after this.

I think I was the same person, but I had come into an influenced state. That was what had happened.

The different situations in my life, had become influenced situations for me. Because I didn’t understand about this, these influences gradually developed. If I had understood everything about this, I think it had been possible to hinder this influenced state to develop. To understand about the influenced state itself, had also worked against the influenced state.

This influenced stat, had changed everything with me, in ways I hadn’t understood. I think that if I had understood everything about the influences, then I had been able to counteract all the influences. These influences typical start with a little, and develop into more and more.

The influenced state has to do with everything. Therefore everything changes, when an influenced person don’t understand, what has happened with oneself. The person is the same person. But what, and how, the person remembers, and don’t remembers, feels, thinks and understands, etc.; have started to be caused by the influences.

The influences is the will of the other person, who has influenced the influenced person, and therefore not the influenced person’s will. An influenced person has another person’s will working inside of oneself, without knowing about it oneself. The other person, who has influenced the person, can ruin for the influenced person. Therefore, the will of the other person who influences a person, can be against the influenced person’s will, and influence the person to different things the person never had wanted to do anything of, by oneself.

Another person who influences a person, can get more and more of one’s own will over the influenced person, by influencing a person.

How the influences change a person’s will, is by changing how the person experiences everything. Memories are changed, how things are understood are changed, and the feelings are changed, etc. It is the person’s inner world, which has been changed, and because of that, the person’s will also changes. The person’s experiences of oneself, other individuals, and the world around oneself, has changed. The person can experience oneself, and different things, in other ways than before. Everything can be experienced in a different way than before, also one’s inner life. Different kinds of hallucinations can also be parts of this; that can be feelings, memories, ideas, people who don’t exist meddling in one’s life, and things oneself start to believe that have happened, which haven’t happened, etc. Things oneself earlier knew about, can have disappeared from one’s mind and memory.

It is the person’s experience of everything, understanding of everything, and the person’s will regarding everything; which have changed. The person is still the same person, but the influences change everything in the influenced person.

If it had been possible to make a picture of a person’s inner mind, then that picture could have changed to something complete different, than it was before. But the person continues to be the same person all the time.

The influences can also get the influenced person to do things as some kinds of impulses. The influences can also get the influenced person to feel, think, remember, and not remember, say and do things; without understanding anything about that oneself is influenced.

When an influenced person understands what has happened to oneself, then the person’s own will can start to counteract the will of the other person, who has influenced oneself. This will be; that the person’s own will starts to develop against the influences, and against the will of the other person, who has influenced oneself.

The influences have another person’s will, than one’s own will. When the influences develop in oneself, that is another person’s will, which develops in oneself. By understanding about how this is, it is possible to counteract it.

It is my experience, that it is possible to counteract all sides of the influences, which oneself understands about. The influences have their driving forces. But one’s own will also have its driving force, and that driving force can develop to be stronger and stronger against the influences, by understanding more and more about them. This also can start with a little, and become more and more.

How the criminals influence individuals in combined ways, also increase how the influences work. The criminals also combine influences in different individuals. The criminals can also combine different situations, which they have influenced to develop.

A person is always the same person, but different things can get a person to change. The person can be ruined inside oneself, and because of that, not be able to understand what happens with oneself, etc. When a person don’t understand what happens with oneself, then the influences gradually get total control over the person. That is, that the will of the other person, who has influenced the person, has got total control over the person. Of course an influenced person don’t want this, and by understanding about what has happened with oneself, it is possible to counteract this more and more.

This text has been written straight out from my mind just now. I started with it, and continued until it was finished, and haven’t done more with it than that. It is some thoughts straight out from my mind. In that way, it is introductory thoughts. Only to think these thoughts, can be a little difficult first in the beginning. This text is only a few random fragments, which show a little about this.

November 5, 2017, David H. Hegg