
178. Spiritual freedom

An inner pattern is a phrase, or a way of speaking, which I now think about in connection to the other phrases, that I have written about in the last three texts. A map inside oneself, an inner landscape, an inner world, an inner life, inner connections, and an inner pattern; are all of them phrases, which point at a compound inner mental area in us humans. Not literally, these phrases only shows that humans have an inner mind consisting of different qualities. These different phrases describe this inner mind in different ways, but none of them are meant to be in the literal sense of the words. A collective term for them all, can be a mental inner system. This inner system is then, naturally meant to be something versatile in its own way.

When we humans start to use our different qualities, we typical start to do, or to make something, which both create possibilities and limitations. It can be correct to say possibilities with limitations. A simple example is; that a car cannot be a boat, a car has possibilities with limitations. The letter of the alphabet can describe things, but it cannot draw pictures. When we use the number system, then we can do something, but we cannot do everything with the number system, etc. There can maybe be something similar with inner mental structures; that possibilities have limitations.

In connection with this versatile inner system, I also start thinking about spiritual freedom in every sense. I don’t look at this spiritual personality as a system. I think that the spiritual personality can use the mental system. That becomes, that this mental system shall make spiritual freedom possible. I think about freedom for our thoughts and such things. Then this mental system has its intention to give a person unbounded spiritual freedom.

After this, it becomes logical to begin to think that the criminals’ influences hinder and control a person’s spiritual personality. The next, becomes that the criminals want to control the humans’ spiritual life. It can also be that the criminals think about totally to block the spiritual personality in humans.

Because we humans both are individuals and communities, this also becomes relevant for both individuals and communities where people live together. I begin to think that we humans build up, and make something, which we among other things can describe as inner maps, landscapes, worlds, lives, connections, patterns, and systems, etc. This can be understood as both individual and common structures.

The criminals have started to influence these things in ways, which we haven’t known about, that they are doing. When we understand something about what the criminals are doing, then we better start understanding, what goes on.

These thoughts have developed now, during the short time when I wrote this text. There can also be more regarding this. Maybe this also can be understood in other ways. What I have written about this time, can also be described as natural unbounded mental possibilities, which the criminals want to limit and control.

Because I started to write this text, these thoughts started to develop. I have worked with the text over two days, but only some few hours to and fro each of the two days. When I use different words to describe the same, it is because I want to expand the understanding about it. All of these are also an approach to what this can be, it isn’t a finished work. Maybe these words also are concepts which the criminals use, as an inner landscape etc.

I think that the person, who influenced me in December 1975, maybe can have said; that now he has mapped my inner landscape, and now this inner landscape shall be changed. But I don’t remember what he said when he influenced me. I have also thought about that this person maybe can have changed my inner life without knowing anything about what it was. Maybe he also both knew something, and didn’t know something; and both could influence what he knew, and what he didn’t know. I don’t remember how he did these influences against me.

September 29, 2017, David H. Hegg