
121. Freedom

Rainy weather and sunshine are two natural positive sides of the weather. After some time with sunshine, it feels good when the rain starts to fall. It cleans the air and makes it good to breathe. The plants become fresh and filled with life. A sunny morning after rain; fills oneself with joy and vitality. This is a natural circle. It is the way the Earth lives.

It is easy to understand the meaning with the rainy weather and the sunshine. Different other natural phenomena on the Earth are also possible to understand. It is a meaning with everything in the nature.

Is there a meaning with it all, the whole life on Earth and the universe around us? When there is a meaning with all we know about; then there is logical that it also is a meaning with what we don’t know about, what it is that is behind our existence.

The interplay and the balance between everything in the world; are the meaning and the intention with each of all those things. It is a meaning with each of them, and with it all.

If we think about us humans, we also consist of different qualities. For us humans it also is a meaning with each of these qualities, and with them all. The interplay and the balance between these different qualities; are the meaning and the intention with each of all those human qualities.

What I think about by writing this text; is that the criminals dominate our lives in a one‐sided way. This one‐sided dominance is contrary to nature. That is dangerous.

In addition to being one‐sided, the criminals also are evil. These two factors are two negative factors.

Two positive factors, in contrast to these two negative factors; are many‐sidedness and goodness.

This text is a text about thoughts and feelings. Different positive factors are in principle, parts in a balance with an interplay by all of them. It is also the same with human qualities.

The criminals hide what they are doing, so we shall not find out about it. When we understand what they are doing, then we can find out about it. The criminals hide what they are doing, because they will hinder us in understanding what it is. They want that we shall understand everything wrong. But we want to understand everything correct.

It becomes relevant to think that the criminals don’t want that the humans shall understand. Why don’t these criminals want that the humans shall understand? Is it because they want to get advantages by fooling all the humans around themselves? That seems as what it can be that they are doing.

What do the criminals understand? Do they understand something correct? I don’t know what they understand. But I think about that they understand what they are doing.

Understanding is the most important we humans can have, and the most important we can get more of. It seems logical that this has to do with the meaning with us humans. To understand is also a natural interplay and balance between different knowledges and understandings by all the humans. One‐sided understanding becomes wrong about the big scheme of things.

To understand is to find out. It isn’t to control the humans’ minds. Sometimes it is to find out about something we don’t know. Sometimes it is to understand more about something we do know. Other ways to understand can also be defined, like to understand the proportions between things, etc.

Freedom for the humans; has had much to do with finding out and understanding more. Lack of freedom; has had much to do with control over the humans’ minds.

The criminals don’t want that we shall understand, because they want to have control over us, by having control over our minds.

Freedom becomes achieved by understanding.

March 5, 2017, David H. Hegg