
106. The barrier

January 25, I wrote about how I didn’t remember more about the rest of what happened when these influences were done against me. I wrote that it is only as something 100% empty, nothing, a blank paper, etc. Now I will not say it that way. It isn’t empty, it isn’t nothing, it isn’t a blank paper. I have contact with this situation in my mind. It is that I lay on my back, and the person sits beside me and talks. It is as if I have come through a barrier.

January 31, I wrote about that I remembered, that the person said, that my marriage shall be destroyed, that the selfishness shall win in the society, and the love shall lose. This is on the inside of this barrier.

It is as if different talk has its source from this person. But I think that I will not be able to repeat correctly how and what this person has said and done. Therefore, I don’t write anything more about that now. I think it has been done systematically after a fixed method, adapted to me. I can’t remember anything about how such a fixed method has been practiced on me in this situation. Because of that, I think I can’t repeat correctly about what it was.

What has happened with me, which comes from this person, is now crisp and clean for me. I remember well, and understand well, about different things which earlier have been impossible for me. So it is like different destructive effects almost have disappeared. That had also happened to a large extent before I remembered about this situation.

The situation which ruined for my daughter, her mother, and me, in 1986; was that people around us behaved terrible. Others must had stopped that, but it was them who should have done that, who behaved terrible. Afterwards all these people only have done it worse. The criminals had influenced all of them.

February 1, 2017, David H. Hegg