
97. An inner voice

In the text yesterday, I wrote about how the person in the office said; that then he had found out what he need to know about this. When I wrote this down on a paper to remember it, it changed to; then he had found out what he need to know about me.

Afterwards I also have started to think about that the first I remembered, was that the person sat behind his writing desk and said the first sentence. What happened when I wrote it down; was that this was said from the inside of me. It was still the same person, but what he said, came from inside of myself. After thinking about this for some time, I started to think that this is, that this has been an inner voice in me.

Such an inner voice can also be what oneself experiences as oneself. Because of that, it is necessary to be self‐critical.

Now I also have thought more about what their original plan was. It seems unlikely that they could have thought, that they could have me to join them.

I have thought about that they can have been taken up with, that they had much time to use, so they could influence me much.

May 9, 2011; I got an influence about a memory image about that God talked to me, by using my own mouth. And God helped me to understand that it was the police, that stood behind this, and did these influences. This was a very extensive memory image with many different people and happenings. Such a memory image is something which never has happened. It is something you remember, but it hasn’t happened. It is an influence by the criminals. This gets me to think that the influences against me, can have been put into a larger composition with other situations around me.

Because this false memory image happened May 9, 2011; I have thought that it can have been done in connection to the large terror attack in Norway July 22, 2011. And I should have thought that the police stood behind this, and that they had influenced the terrorist. This is only something I think, I have no other grounds for thinking that, than my own thoughts about it. One possible motive to do that, by the criminals; is that it should have worked in a way, which took away all suspicion about, that the terror attack had been done by such influences by the criminals.

It is impossible for me to remember what they have done to influence me. I can only understand about what they can have done to influence me. I cannot remember what they have done to influence me.

January 19, 2017, David H. Hegg