
56. Explosive influences

A moment ago, I started to look at these influences with mind control, as some kinds of small explosives, which in a figurative sense, are placed in strategic positions. In my thoughts, I made a visualized picture that symbolizes such influences. The picture I made in my thoughts, is similar to the picture on the left. I thought about that such influences, have been placed in strategic positions, in me and in other people around me, to start to work in different situations and at different times. I see the same picture for all kinds of different influences, when I look at how these influences have been placed, to develop the situation regarding my own life. When I see these pictures of these influences, I see the same picture for all kinds of different influences. One of them work in one way, another of them work in another way, etc.

The intention with these pictures of these influences, is that I started to look at them, as some kinds of “small bombs”. Not physical material bombs of course, but influences that work in different ways. The small black thing on the picture, is a symbol for a trigger which causes the influence to start to work.

Now I also started to think about that it had been possible to make different symbols for different categories of influences. But to do that now, will be too much to do within the time I have planned to use on this text.

It became clear for me that different influences, have been placed in different positions, in me and in people around me, to cause the development of the situation I try to find out about. And I saw the influences as visualized pictures, like the picture at the beginning of this text.

The whole picture of the situation I try to find out about, is so much that it requires much more, than a little text like this one, to write about that. I have started to think, that now I have written many small texts, which makes it possible for me to write longer texts, and that is a way of developing which is typical for me.

I can take a little piece of it, to describe a little piece of the situation. Actually, it was that piece of the situation, which I thought about, when I started to see these “influence bombs” for my inner eye.

In 1985 I went to a doctor, because I wanted to hinder that I became reported sick. I had only started to recognize some weak symptoms, for what I later know is rheumatism. I had an important role at my work. My employer trusted me, and I wanted to find out about what these symptoms were, so I not became reported sick, which I had been earlier because of how these symptoms became worse.

When I phoned the medical office, I said that I didn’t want any treatment. I only wanted to find out about what this was. I talked to a medical secretary or a clerk. When I came to the doctor, the doctor took control over the whole situation, and said that I had to be reported sick, and then the doctor should make me well. I became glad because of that, and that was one of the “influence bombs”. Later that was something I found out that only was nonsense. The first day on my job again, after a long period of being reported sick, I wasn’t any better. Everything was the same as before I went to the doctor, and I still didn’t understand what it was.

In this little piece of the situation, I see different such possible “influence bombs”; in the medical secretary, the doctor, and me.

These “influence bombs” work with a stated effect. Not more or less than what that effect is. When these “influence bombs” are placed strategically enough, then they work powerfully enough. Such “influence bombs” have caused the situation I try to find out about. The “influence bombs” have caused different insane things to happen.

August 22, 2016, David H. Hegg