

Learning from different parts of the world gives grounds for cultural and economical development in a country. To be a developed country is what all countries in the world want to be. After these two sentences it is possible to say; that to be a developed world, with all countries included, will be the best for the whole world to be too. And what is best for the whole world; will again be the best for each country. Therefore; to cooperate with each other in a friendly way; will not only be best for all, but also for oneself. It is much better to be friends than enemies, both for the whole world and each country, and at last also for every single human on this planet. And good friends respect each other. Love is stronger than hate. Love builds up, but hate breaks down. Good friends can be hard to find in this world these days, but that is something we should be strongly preoccupied of to change in this world, so good friends not continue to be so hard to fine from now one. Good friends are something better to be than bad enemies. It is so easy to be good and so complicated to be bad. If we all stop hating our enemies, we all can be able to develop peaceful friendships instead, and that is something much better to give away to our children, than hate. Why so much hate and tears instead of love and smiles?

May 22, 2011, David H. Hegg