

The knowledge about how we humans have great immanent unused intelligent abilities; is an understanding about that it exists great unused possibilities here in the world where we live together with each other. We know that all different individuals everywhere around the world have plenty of valuable resources, which can be realized into positive results. Intelligent abilities are both practical and theoretical; in the human mind, it is combinations between the practical and the theoretical which are under development. Of course we humans have many other qualities than only practical and theoretical abilities, such as human compassion, dependability, creativity, and much more.

The reason for why I think about this; is that these resources inside of all the humans are valuable possibilities we all have at the disposal everywhere in the world. Today; valuables are associated with money. But there are things which not can be bought for money; for example the whole world. If we humans go too far with the meaning of the money, it begins to look like the same as slavery; that things are sold and bought, which are wrong to sell and buy. Buying and selling have been a necessary function in the world today. But it is important to clearly find out and understand where the limits go, for what it is correct or not correct to sell and buy. Our development of knowledge arises out of the cultural evolution of mankind; as a result of how we socialize with each other from different places. And it is correct that we share the possibilities of the knowledge with each other in the world.

I think that this world is still young, and the possibilities of mankind have yet only started to develop. Self awareness there the individuals understand about themselves, and social awareness there the individuals understand about themselves as parts of the community; are two dimensions there are important to understand about and develop. It has to do with how the development of mankind can succeed in its further development. Already immediately within the foreseeable future it is possible to gain much by getting the humans' human possibilities working around in the world. Humans' hopeless stagnated inactivity towards their situations is something important to change. All humans are very clever beings who can achieve great results, and these possibilities are the humans' basis for sensible development everywhere on this planet.

I think that our humaneness and immanent human abilities are brought into our lives in this world from something important outside this universe from earlier than this universe existed. Such thoughts have to do with something absolutely exact and concrete; our situation is that we do not know what it is, which is so far away from our knowledge about it. We do not know what it is, but it is something real. Therefore, these are important things.

Through long historical periods of time, global injustice has developed on the Earth. This is due to ignorance and deficient mental development by the human race. We cannot continue like this if we want to develop further ahead like humans. That is because it is no doubt about that it is a responsibility connected with being humans.

Sly political oppression which subdues people and hinders them in developing their possibilities; is something it is possible to clear up and understand about. During the last centuries; this problem has been described in different ways in attempts to try explaining what it is. This has to do with crimes connected to the development of the human race. I write about it this way because I want to point out that this is a not so easy matter. Much important work have been don before today, and more important work have to be don from today regarding this problem. If we want to develop like humans; and that is what we want to do; then we must care about this topic.

March 23, 2011, David H. Hegg