
Plenty of good things

It is a great responsibility to be one among the many individuals. Each individual has the position where it typically can give way in proportion to how wrong people get influence up on the society.

Each individual has to be critical towards propaganda and different methods which are used to obtain a majority among the population. Since general right to vote has become a usual situation; manipulative methods have become the new instrument of power.

The clever individual wants others to understand. The stupid individual wants to get others under one's control, also to get the good and clever individuals under one’s control.

Each individual must take care not to become a pawn in dangerous people’s power game. It is dangerous when such power-seekers get all their pawns to fall into place in their game.

It is important to remember that general right to vote began when the oppressors in the societies with their power, from the previous history not had wanted to listen to the general population’s wish for social justice. It is also important to understand that divide and conquer is a typical instrument of power; therefore it is important to take care to reach agreement between us individuals on Earth.

If peace is developed; the peace wins among us. If war is developed; the war wins among us. By peace, cleverness and social justice; plenty of good things can become possible.

January 14, 2007, David H. Hegg