
A great victory

It is a great victory to defeat one's own stupidity. That can lead to great improvements for the humankind. That can lead to pace on Earth. That demands knowledge instead of weapons, to understand about each other instead of to misunderstand about each other, and cooperation instead of hostility. The humans have access to very much knowledge today, which gives us new historical possibilities.

The historical stupidity humans have developed during thousands years, synchronously with the development of true knowledge, is the stupidity it is a great victory to defeat. Nowadays I often think about how people in the past now and then have studied for years to be as stupid as it otherwise had been impossible to be. What they often have strived after are social respect and material reward. Those who tried to point out the defects ran the risk of being punished. Not to confront with this past is to repeat the stupidities which among other things is to move forth in a wrong way to reach one's goals.

I believe that to gain a victory over the stupidities is one of the humans’ greatest victories.

July 16, 2006, David H. Hegg