
Monday, May 4, 2015

Today I made yet another discovery regarding those three tobacco pipes I first had. The third of these pipes, is that one, it is possible to see, on a picture from the summer 1975, (picture 27, under the 'Images' link, 'Photo Album'). I have not remembered how I bought that pipe; or how it disappeared. Today I remember; that after I moved from the attic room, where I lived in 1979; and had moved into a new small apartment in 1980, I throw away that pipe. First I scraped away all of the layer which had fixed inside the pipe bowl. This is something which comes after some time, and is something which shall be inside a pipe bowl. But now and then it is necessary to take away a little of it, but not all. I took away all of it, and afterwards I was not able to bring the pipe about to be correctly again; and I throw it away. This was something I earlier had learned how to do, but this time it failed.

Now I think about, that this is something, which happened, when my whole life changed. I lost contact with my old friends. New friends and interests developed. I had much contact with my child. Her mother and I also had much contact. But all of the common situation which we had earlier, was gone. So today I think, that it seems like, that these pipes have had a kind of significance, regarding these influences with mind control against me.

Today this is something which gets me to experience this discovery, as something which brings me back to my original personality. Like it was to throw away my earlier life, to throw away that pipe.

A few days ago; I also got an understanding about, that I at the same time, was influenced to totally change my interest for music. And very briefly; this is like this:

A memory image; about that I read about Melanie Safka in a music magazine, when I was a child. Because of that, I afterwards remembered her as a musician I should take notice of. I have dated it to 1967, but that is too early, her first record is from 1968, 'Born to Be'. A few days ago, I got thoughts about, that Melanie Safka is hidden away inside of me, together with this episode where I read about her, and that established itself as something I always should remember. I had read about music, and started to be interested in music I had read about, instead of listened to.

The next is; that at that time in 1980, I started to read about music before I bought records. And I read about all kinds of pop and rock music, also uncommon music which a small group people was very interested in. This brought me to buy all different kinds of music, which I first only had read about. Earlier I always had listened to music, which I afterwards had bought records of.

One day, I read a long article about Kevin Coyne, his first record was 'Case History' from 1972. I got interested in his thoughts about humans and humans' mental situation. And I made up my mind to establish him, as a musician I should take notice of in the time to come. But I had not listen to anything of his music. I started to buy all the records I found of him in Oslo. That was only some of them. But year after year it becomes more and more of them, and I had quite many of them after some time. Beyond that, I normally did not buy more than one record of each musicians. But I bought all I could find of Kevin Coyne.

This becomes; that Melanie Safka shall be hidden inside of me, and Kevin Coyne shall come creeping into me, through my continuous buying of his records. I think that this is because I totally shall change my interest for music.

Both Melanie Safka and Kevin Coyne are unique talented musicians; which again and again surprise you in a very positive way, every time you hear something new from them. What is special regarding this for me; is that I started to read about music, before I bought records. And my earlier life was gone. This started in 1980, and become a intermediate stage until 1986. In 1986, my life changed totally again.

David H. Hegg