
Saturday, January 3, 2015

This time; I have looked for something which I had written about earlier in this messages section. Then I see, that I again and again writes, that now I am finished with this process, which I write messages regarding here. And in the previous message, December 28, 2014; I also wrote that. But just after that message, I got a new factor in my thoughts. I then think, that this is because I do not know, what has been done against me. And this process with writing these messages, has become a kind of reversing, which discovers one factor after the other. I have some unfinished thoughts, abut that this is because I have been influenced to have a driving force to find out wrong, which has led me to find out correct. But, of course, I want to find out about this; and I also think, that this is a maximum fundamental natural driving force. Now I really think, that I have reached a kind of goal; and maybe it this time, will be, that I am finished with this process.

First after the previous message; I got a memory, which I think must be the same as about the box of chocolates with Mon Chéri, which I have written about December 25, 26, 27, and 28, 2014. It is that I bought a box with HOFNAR Casino cigarillos to my wife, at that time when this influence was done against me in 1976.

I can not believe that I have bought these cigarillos to my wife. And therefore I think that this also is a memory image, about something which not has happened. These cigarillos is something I first got in my mind for many years ago, I think it was in the nineties. These two memory images, abut chocolates and cigarillos, have come up in my mind when I have been concentrated about the day, when this influence was done against me. These two memory images, are then misleading influences, which it is positive for me to find out about.

After this; I got thoughts about, that these influences can start up subconscious processes, which the consciousness do not know about or understand. And these thoughts become something I started to think, that is something important. Such subconscious processes can be many things. For example; if you try to remember a person's name, you after some time; hours, days, months, or years; sometimes remember it again. Something can also come up in your thoughts, without any activity regarding that by your consciousness; but when you got it in your mind, then you start to care about it.

I think that these criminals who use mind control, want to make many different such subconscious processes. And I also think that they manage that also.

After this, I started to think about what I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013. Where I wrote about a memory image, which was about something, which should make me believe, that the police and other social institutions had been taken over by these criminals.

Now, when I write this; I think about that these memory images starts with a little, and become more and more. It also is something, which can be more and more different things; like it is a possibility, which can achieve more and more different things, after a person have started to believe in a little of it. I think these criminals have done this, in a way where I first have been influenced with something very likely, but after I have started to believe in that, it becomes more and more. It works with a step by step tactic; the first makes the second likely, the second makes the third likely, the third makes the fourth likely, and this can continue that way. But you had not started to believe in the fourth; if you not had had the first, the second, and the third first. So it is smart to step back, so it not becomes more and more, but less and less. So, now when I am back where it all began, I hope it has become nothing. That this cigar case was the last.

There are more such things, than I have written about here on this web page. I also think there can be more than I until today have thought about. But these things, like this chocolates and cigarillos, have got much energy in my mind. And I have struggled with finding out about it. Afterwards; it also feels like something similar to washing one's mind and whole creature. Afterwards; such things feels unpleasant in one's whole mind and body, and I want them away.

That these memory images are stronger that real memory; is something important to know. It is something a person will become 100% sure about that is true, even it not is true. It can also replace correct memory, because it is something stronger.

After what I just wrote about in the passage above, I now think that Man's most important ability, is to understand.

David H. Hegg