
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Here is another picture from my parents' photo album, it is my daughter and me on Christmas Eve 1984. After we were divorced, our daughter was by her mother and father every other Christmas. She had very good contact with many in my family. That had been so since she was born. It was my father who drove her and her mother home from the maternity ward.

This was what people not concerned to us, meddled themselves into, in 1986. At that time our situation was; that our daughter, her mother, and I; had regularly contact with each other every week. These people have from the very first time, done different things which are illegal. It become more and more of them. The police was part of it. They are not allowed to hinder the contact between my daughter and me. And they are not allowed to force me to a psychiatric clinic. I had went to a doctor because of muscle pains, which was an old problem, which I had had for more than ten years.

Those who did these illegal things, do not want to clear up this case. That is why these problems only have become more and more, instead of being cleared up.

There was nothing wrong at all. Those who meddled themselves into our situation, made it worse and worse. All of them lied to me, so I did not understand what they were doing. All they have said about what I have done, said, or thought; are wrong. No of them had talked to me about what they were lying about, they only talked to each other.

This dreadful situation, has been caused by these criminals who use mind control. These criminals are very weak people; all they are doing, are something they are hiding. It can be that it is a trick by them, to get people to do illegal things, because then such people will hide, what has happened.

In the time to come; I will write more continuously and coherently about this. That will take some time. This last year; I really have got a much better understanding of what it is which has happened.

David H. Hegg