
Friday, April 11, 2014

In the seventies there still was long pipes in the shops in Norway. Today, you nearly not find pipes at all, and long pipes are even more seldom. Below there is a picture of a long pipe; such pipes could also be much longer than this one. In the seventies there also was made some modern long pipes, where the smoke went back and forth several times, in that way it was a short long pipe. I think these long pipes gave a more comfortable smoke, and more waste products were left in the longer pipes. Pipes do not have a fixed quantity of tobacco, it can be less or more than a cigarette. But if there comes some smoke into the longs, there also come some waste products into the longs. A pipe can be cleaned with pipe cleaners, (these become black), (long pipes needs long pipe cleaners, they also become black). The lungs can not be cleaned that way, the longs are made for taking in oxygen, which is something important, for living creature as us humans.

One of the things, I think they have done to me, regarding smoking; is that I shall want to start to smoke very little; but after I have started, it becomes more and more. I shall also bring the smoke with me everywhere; have it in the shirt pocket, near by my mouth; and smoke while I work.

Fore some years, in the nineties; I could go to a shop and buy one by one cigarette. At that time, I only bought one, two, or three cigarettes for one day. And I could quit the smoking fore some days or weeks, without any problems. Sometimes I only smoked half a cigarette, and the rest of it at a later time. At that time, I thought that smoking could make me think better, but I only found out wrong things. I also think that these criminals, have influenced me to think that I could smoke, to think better. Now, when I have found out correct things, I have not smoked at all.

Something important to think about regarding smoking; that is, to understand what addiction for nicotine really is. It is important to understand that. To want a smoke; is something different, than to want something to eat because you are hungry. People who have problems with quitting smoking, can get help by understanding as good as possible about this.

Something here; is something I think that is a technique, which these criminals, who use mind control, use in different ways: It is, that in a short moment, the mind is filled up with a control, which it is possible for them to achieve fore a short time. Such a control can put aside one's normal thinking fore a short time. And something else, which really not is something the person want, takes full control for a short time. This can also, among other things, get one to take a smoke more, also when one not has wanted to do that; one more, and one more, and one more, one package after the other package, the same day, etc.

Today I think that the best to do, to be able to do something with this problem, is to live healthy. Eat healthy food, and have a healthy lifestyle. Get fresh air; and it can be good for the brain, to get some more oxygen, by doing some physical activities also; by doing so, we breathe stronger and are training our lungs.

David H. Hegg