
Monday, March 3, 2014

After I last time wrote, that nothing can come into existence from nothing. There are some more thoughts in that connection.

A fundamental question is: Does it exists something, or does it not exists something? The answer is easy. It does exists something.

Our universe is a result of that something exists. Our universe is not the cause for that something exists. Of course it is relevant to say; that what, are inside our universe, that are because of our universe. But our universe has come into existence because of something else, which exists.

After these thoughts, I started to think about that these criminals, who use mind control; maybe can have changed our way of thinking and developing our thoughts, when we are talking to each other etc.

It can be something natural in how we humans develop our logical thinking. This can be an innate function which we humans have, which naturally will bring us to more understanding and knowledge.

David H. Hegg