
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Now I must start to work with this in another way, than writing more of these messages. But to have written them until today, I think has lead to a beneficial result. This year I have unmasked something about this; and I can not think that has been the plan, behind what has been done against me.

In this message, I will do something which I not have done in other messages. And that is to write a few words about the severe things this influence has 'said' to me. I use 'said' as a word, for what this influence has got me to comprehend, like something I am informed of from a kind of 'God' or other kinds of convincing requests.

The whole time since the 1990s; it has been a smiling transparent face of the hallucinated character 'Syver Volden' in my mind; (who I have written about on the page 'Facts' under 'Important' in the action bar,) who says 'we shall get you to start world war'. If this should have succeed, I think that had been because they had got me to believe, that 'God' have said to me, that it is necessary to save the world. And that I had got other people in the world to believe in me and my connection with 'God'. (But this is only something similar to a LSD hallucination.)

The dangerous with this, is that it not experiences like something unreal. It works the strongest opposite way! It is more real, than what normally is real. And it can be about everything, not only about a connection with 'God'. And it calls on you to do things, very much stronger than what is normal. For me; all of that kind, has been something which I start to remember, after it should have happened (talking with 'God' and such). Requests from inside of me, has also happened.

When I write this; I got some thoughts about what has happened to me, because of this influence. Contact with other people have been blocked. Because of this; things could start to develop, which otherwise not had been possible. Situations could start to be formed, which otherwise not had been possible. And in the end, things could have happened, which never had happened if these preparations with these methods not had been done. So this can really be dangerous; also for the whole world, if these criminals have done something in that way, and that can be possible.

This warning; is therefore about how it can be possible for these criminals, to form a situation in the whole world, which in the end can start world war, even no one of the involved parts had wanted it that way. The whole world can have been lead to the border on war, without knowing about it.

To give an explanation about how this is for me. It can be similar to; not start these things, go and do something else. And then everything is totally normal and calm. Play the violin instead, for example, (I have an electric violin). And nothing has happened. What it could have been, I do not know.

It is possible to find some key words regarding this. And one of them is isolation, it can be regarding individuals, but also regarding countries. Something these criminals can influence to gain, to reach goals afterwards which no one had wanted.

Someone maybe wonder what more I can tell. The most correct answer, is that this is nearly impossible for me to reach. And everything of it is very indistinct for me. I think that what has happened, is something typically; on day criminals disclose themselves and their crimes. Criminals are doing something which can be disclosed, that is their situation; and typically that also happens.

If your crimes not shall be disclosed; you have to not do any crimes. I think that is how it works in this world, and that it is not in any humans' power to change that.

David H. Hegg