
Friday, October 11, 2013

After the message Thursday, October 10; I have got thoughts about, that this can be the way these criminals talk, when they do these tings. Like: 'And there; such contacts who have the necessary skills, will be found.' I have thought about, that maybe such talking leads to; that what it is, that has been said that way, that will be the result. Because of how it has a completely control over the whole human being.

I have thought about, that this way of talking, is how they have talked that talking. But as all of this, it is impossible for me to be sure about something. I can only be sure of that it is something. This is regarding what I write about Thursday, October 10; I think they can do different things, and talk indifferent ways with this method.

After that last message, something also have fitted together. Regarding what I wrote about Wednesday, October 9; that sequence included that my heart had been a stone, and the other one had a little stone as her heart. And God was very occupied about weapons. After that day, I should have started to be more and more busy with weapons.

Another thing which can be something, is that environmental protection was my only social involvement from my youth years. And I was strongly occupied about that. So therefore the threat about that the whole Earth will die, if these criminals not are taken, (message Wednesday, October 9); can also be something these criminals have mixed together, because of my social involvement from my youth years.

I also have had an hour when that sequence, Monday, May 9, 2011; should have begun. It should have been a short time after 3:45 AM, when I had looked at my watch. I had done some changes in how I did the job, not the same way as usual. After this; I also bought me three yellow jackets, which I always used on the job. I thought that it was safer to attract attention. But now I also think about if it maybe could have been something I have been told to do, to give these criminals a signal about that this has succeed. But I have no memory about something like that. In the end, these memory images is something which has happened. That is what you comprehend after some time.

This contact with this weapon expert God, is also so funny. That weapon expert God is a very humorous one. All what have to do with weapons and use of them, is just funny all the time. Together with that God, everything is funny all the time. But that funny weapon expert God, can also be terrible angry of course; and so also God's obedient subordinate, angry the same way.

I have not been busy that way, this year from March 2013. Therefore I am not involved in this the way it has been planned. But I now start to think that the plan can be, that now this other person (May 9, 2011) has been exposed to something bad. And God has been angry. But that God and this other person, do not exist. And when I understand that, it does not work as it should have done. Therefore I now think, that maybe some of this plan has been disclosed in these messages. It can be a combination of how this should have worked; and that I am finding out about it. Because of that, I have written these messages when tings have been up in my mind, maybe I afterwards not so easily can find these things back again. This message can be the last I need to write in that regard.

Of course it is a cause behind our existence, not only for us humans, but for the whole universe. But I do not know what that is. It has to be a cause, otherwise we had not been here.

When these things not work, and I look at it all that way; all of it only is bla, bla. bla. But when it works, then it works very strongly, the most dangerous way it is possible to do. Because of how it has a completely control over the whole human being.

David H. Hegg