
Friday, May 31, 2013

Now I just have reached one more important detail to understand about in this connection, where I try to clear up what has happened to me. It was when I on Tuesday this week, went for a walk to take a photograph of the underground station; where my daughter, her mother, and I took a normal goodbye to each other on Sunday, January 19, 1986. That was by Tøyen underground station.

Here is the photograph which I took this week. In this connection I took a walk through the parts of Oslo, where we three used to walk together at that time. I started at Ensjø underground station (Ensjø T-banestasjon), about a ten minutes' walk from where I now live; and walked through Kampen and Tøyen to Sofienberg where I lived at that time in 1986, and back again through the Botanical Garden. And in the end I walked back and forth in some other streets around there.

During this walk, I clearly started to understand that our divorce become a very pleasant divorce. And right from the beginning, we started to take a very long walk in the summer months, when my daughter and I followed my daughter's mother back to one of the different public transport stations. With this pleasant divorce, we got no common family or friends, we become totally alone together, with much to do with each other. I think that this situation was something it was meant to be, because of how I earlier had been influenced with drugs and talking.

This walks, when my daughter and I, followed my daughter's mother on her way home again, after she had followed our daughter to me. We often started in the middle on the day, and said goodbye to each other in the evening. It was always a little sad to finally say goodbye to each other. During the walks we had sat on the lawns or the seats and talked to each other in the different parks we went through. Afterwards my daughter and I walked back again together. This was typical. I followed my daughter back to her mother again. And that become the same, I often took the last underground home again.

So now, I am in good progress. And I hope I will have finished the first brief text about this, during a couple of weeks.

David H. Hegg